Fans from all over the UK have been sending us links to this story, that’s been in several newspapers across the country including the Evening Standard


A theatre-goer had to be rescued by firefighters after getting locked inside when he fell asleep inside a toilet cubicle on the fourth floor.

The 32-year-old man had nodded off after a show by Aussie funnyman Kevin Bloody Wilson at the Fairfield Halls venue in Croydon last night.

It was only when he woke up at 2.50am today he realised he had dozed off and called 999 for help after realising he was locked inside a toilet on the fourth floor of the 1,650-capacity theatre.

According to fire bosses he “had been drinking” and had fallen asleep after nipping to the loo after the show.

Firefighters scaled a ladder to the fourth floor loo to rescue the red-faced man, who was “still drunk” when he was carried to safety.

Firefighter Sam Redfern said: “He was drunk, he was absolutely drunk. He had just fallen asleep and then probably woke up thinking something is not right here.

“He was still drunk when we picked him up but apparently the show was brilliant according to him.”

Another firefighter, Calvin Thompson said: “He was compos mentis, but a little worse for wear.

“He went to the toilet and fell asleep and they’ve locked up afterwards.”

A Met Police spokesman said: “The London Fire Brigade did all the heroic stuff.

“We were called and went along but we didn’t help get him out of there.”


In KEV’S words, “….now that’s just fuckin’ funny….and I’m glad he enjoyed the show!”

We couldn’t agree more!

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