As many of you know, the LITTLE BLOKE celebrates his birthday in February 

And this year, it’s not just ANY birthday, our favourite loveable larrikan is turning 70!!

Or as he likes to call it, “21 IN CELCIUS”

We’ve got parties galore and piss-ups a’ plenty planned for our KEV, but didn’t want to leave you blokes out, so we’ve got a little sale going on in the online store.

For the entire month of February, you can buy KEV’S latest album, RIDES AGAIN (yep, that’s the one with ‘Ol’ Roy The Roota’ on it!) and his latest  best-selling DVD, KEV KULCHA for 20% off

RIDES AGAIN is now $20 

KEV KULCHA is now $24


We’ll also be ending the month with a BIG GIVEAWAY for anyone who purchases from the online store in February.
More details on that SOON!

Head to the ONLINE STORE to order your copies now!

PS – bonus, you can also grab a copy of JENNY’S GREATESThITS album for 20% off in Feb




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